Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Zoo Crew

AC and Grandma planned a trip to take Emma, Sam, Ella and Aiden to St. Louis for three days.  I went with them for the first day and a half.  We left early Thursday morning and headed to the St. Louis Zoo.  We started the day with the Asian animals.  We really enjoyed the elephants.  There were a few reaching to get food in different places that were fun to watch.  There was a baby elephant that Ella really loved.  She could have stayed much longer and watched him but the group was already moving on to the next animal.  Our next stop was the children's zoo.  Emma, Aiden and Ella got to feed and pet the goats which they enjoyed.
Next, it was time to board the train.  It was a bit of a wait but the zoo has a good train with tunnels that the kids enjoyed.  After stopping for lunch and some rides on the carousel Mom, Ella and I went to see the penguins and polar bears while everyone else went to wait in line to pet the sting rays.  The penguin house was fun as always.  We enjoyed watching them swim and pop out of the water.  There was one penguin that kept doing this yelling call that was interesting to hear.  The polar bear was kind of hard to see but it was neat when he would get in the water right by the kids that were watching.  Another fun animal for the kids was the sea lion.  You walk right underneath the sea lions tank and can watch them swim above you.  They have them trained so you can throw a glove and they will follow it.  Sam, Ella and Aiden all got a chance to throw the glove and watch the sea lion swim.  
We got to see quite a few animals but it was a fairly warm day so by the time we made it over to the big cats they were all hiding in their habitat to nap and get out of the sunshine.  After seeing the giraffes and zebras , my mom, Emma, Sam and Ella went inside a 4D movie which Sam says was awesome!  It was his favorite part of the day.    Then after a tour of the insect and butterfly house we headed for the exit as the zoo was near closing time.  We finished the day with some swimming in the hotel pool and AC and Grandma brought us dinner.  The kids had a fun day but were definitely wiped out at the end, not as wiped out as the three adults were though! 

The baby elephant

All smiles riding the train. 

Ella chose to ride on the baby elephant! 

Watching the penguins swim.

The sea lion chasing the glove. 

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