Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Field Trip

Ella and I stopped for ice-cream on the way home!

Tatum and Sam on the teeter-totters

Colton and Sam on the merry go round

Sam's class went on a field trip to the Jubilee Theater in Marshfield, Missouri. They saw a puppet show and made their own puppets. There was not enough room for all parents to attend so I took Ella and met Sam and his class at the park in Marshfield for lunch and play time.
A new park is always an adventure and the kids had an absolute blast. It was a warm, sunny day and almost a little too warm but they were full of energy and ran around for over an hour. Two little girls adopted Ella and took her around to all of the different equipment. I enjoyed watching Sam interact with all of his school friends. It was a great afternoon!

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