Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fourth Festivities

Ella and Laura watching the fireworks.

Sam and Bobby with pieces of a bucket that was blown up earlier. Notice part of the bucket is still in the tree.

We were at the Siegels' again this year for their annual Fourth of July bash. This has always been the favorite holiday of my dad and he is usually the most excited in our family leading up to the event. I think this year his excitement was surpassed by Sam. He was ready to go hours before the party began and talking about all of the fireworks he was going to set off. He got a lot of fun things that he could do at the fireworks stand and spent the afternoon lighting bee, after parachute, after firecracker. His big excitement of the day though is when Bobby arrives. Bobby is a friend of the family who makes homemade fireworks that can blow almost anything up and he is Sam's hero. Sam must have followed him around for the first hour begging him to light more of his "bombs." Ella mostly played inside during the afternoon not liking all of the noise. Her favorite things were the purple smoke bombs and the sparklers. I think everyone had a good time celebrating Aiden's birthday, America's birthday and spending time with friends and family.

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