Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The End of an Era

One of Columbia's iconic restaurants will soon be closing its' doors temporarily and the place will never be the same.  The owners of the building where Shakespeare's Pizza sits downtown will be tearing it down to rebuild a taller building with student housing on the top floors.  Shakespeare's has assured everyone that they are keeping all the decor and that the new building will look much like the first.  There is no way though they can keep all the charm.  We love how the building has been added onto and the floor slopes between each room.  The charm of the old walls and the look will not be able to be replicated.  
Shakespeares is a place we have frequented since our college days.  We couldn't go too often in college because the budget didn't allow but we went we wanted some delicious pizza or to take visitors from out of town.  When Sam was born it was a great place to take him as a baby and toddler.  The restaurant is always loud and a baby could cry, a toddler could yell or run around and no one around you cared.  We have enjoyed introducing both our children to watching the guys and girls make the pizza and throw them dough balls to keep them busy while we waited for our meal.  There are other Shakespeares and the pizza is still delicious but there is something about the original downtown that we hate to lose.  John and I visited it one last time for a lunch time slice before we can visit it no more.  Good bye! 

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