Monday, February 18, 2013

Tooth Fairy Time

Ella lost her first tooth this week.  I did not even know it was loose until the night before she lost it.  She had been complaining that her teeth hurt when she was eating for a day or so.  She had a cold and I thought maybe it was making her jaw sore.  I didn't think about her having a loose tooth since Sam didn't lose any teeth until first grade.  When she complained again I asked if her tooth was loose and sure enough it was about ready to fall out of her mouth!  
She was hoping to lose her tooth at school so she could put her name up on the calendar in her classroom and get a little treasure box from the nurse to keep it in until she got home.  When she arrived home from school that day I could tell she had been successful.  She said she sat during silent reading and twisted until she got out her tooth.  

 Ella with her tooth in her treasure box

The sweet toothless grin

She was eager to put it under her pillow and was up early the next morning to check for her surprise.  The tooth fairy left her a dollar bill and a silver dollar.  She was very excited! 

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