Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Bites

So we had a little tooth drama at the Medley house last week. While Ella and I were at Sam's school for lunch she slid and fell on the concrete floor. Unfortunately, she didn't really get her hands down and fell on her mouth and her front teeth. This led to a lot of crying, a lot of blood, a fat lip and a trip to the dentist.
What we found out from Dr. Carrie (our wonderful dentist) is that Ella fractured the root of her tooth. This has made her teeth really loose. So, for the next month she either gets to eat soft foods or I get to cut her food up for her like she is a toddler. I had forgot how much work cutting everything into little bites is. I also realized the quantity of food for a four year old is much larger than when she was one.
Ella has been a great sport about it though and hopefully those front teeth will stay in and harden back up until they are really ready to be lost.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Aww poor Ella! (And poor you having to cut everything up again!) Hope she feels OK!