Sunday, April 26, 2009

Going to Carolina!

We went to North Carolina for five days to visit old friends and some of our favorite places. The first day was mostly travel. They no longer have the direct flight from KC to Raleigh so we had to switch planes in Detroit. Sam was a big fan of the Detroit aiport. They have an above ground shuttle that takes you far away gates. He thought that was pretty awesome!
Ella was excited until the first plane began to take off and she got scared. She doesn't remember flying back to Missouri all those times. She was fine though once we got in the air and did well until it was almost time to land and her ears began to bother her. The above picture is Ella on the plane.

We spent the first evening at Scott & Kristie's on the back deck having a few beers while the kids played in the playroom. It was a nice evening.

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