Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Sunday

Quite the egg hunting look, don't you think?

Ella in her Easter dress

I never used to be that big on Easter, but recently that has changed. I think as I get older I look more at the meaning of the holiday than the celebration and realize just how important Easter is. Not the importance of bunnies, eggs and chocolate but how Jesus gave his life for us and conquered death, that is something worth celebrating.
Sam is obviously not that big into the bunnies any more either since when I asked him on Easter morning what the bunny had brought him his response was, "Oh, I forgot all about that." He had been up for an hour and had not even looked for his basket. He did find his and enjoyed what the Easter bunny left for him and Ella was ready as soon as she woke up to go looking.
Then it was off to mass to celebrate the real reason for the day. Ella has really learned the Easter story this year between preschool, MOPS, and books at home. She can tell you the whole thing starting with Palm Sunday and includes more details then I would ever expect a five year old to remember. It makes me proud!
After mass it was home to my mom and dad's for company. The house was filled with family and it was a great time. The kids enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, we had a delicious lunch, and the adults watched a lot of golf with some Royals baseball thrown in too. It was a wonderful way to celebrate.

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