Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Ella with a sticky face and all of her loot.

Sam waiting at the door across the street.

Lady bug and Indiana Jones

Posing for a pick before we trick or treat.

There was a lot of excitement last night while trick or treating! I couldn't get Sam to slow down to wait for his sister he was so excited to run from house to house. Ella was absolutely thrilled with each "treat" that she received. She would say, "Mommy look at my treat!" She tried her hardest to keep up with her cousin and big brother. When we got near the end she kept telling me she didn't want to stop and just one more house.
FIrst we trick-or-treated with Cousin Caleb and some of their friends then we came home and trick-or-treated around our neighborhood. The kids got as much candy at about six houses in our neighborhood as they did at 20 or so earlier in the night. We don't get a lot of trick-or-treaters so people were trying to get rid of their candy. Ella and Sam both have large bowls full of treats.

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