Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Hiking We Will Go!

The second grade field trip this year was to Runge Conservation Center in Jefferson City.  Ella and I had never been so we were excited to go exploring.  Ella was in a group with three of her friends and two of their moms.  We spent the morning hiking the trails.  The girls had a scavenger hunt they were following on our hike and were able to cross everything off of their list.  
After a morning of exploring, we headed indoors for a presentation by a conservation agent.  She was a great speaker and taught the kids all about food chains and food webs.  They really enjoyed it and learned a lot.  After the presentation we headed back outside for a picnic lunch.  Following lunch we had about forty-five minutes to explore and do another scavenger hunt inside the conservation center.  We had a great time in the great outdoors and learning more about the outdoors inside. 
Ella left with me from the field trip and we took advantage of a little time we had to hit up a favorite in Jefferson City, Central Dairy.  It is another place we had never been but always heard about so we wanted to give it a try.  It is an ice-cream shop where we each ordered smalls but got huge cones and enjoyed a cold treat after all our hiking.  One of Ella's friends also happened to be their with her mom and brother so we got to share our time with friends.  It was a fun way to end her field trip.  

Ella showing the worm she dug up to find an animal that lives underground. 

Our field trip group posing for a picture.

The conservation agent is letting the kids look at a red tailed hawk nest he found. 

We found the girls' teacher, Mrs. Howard, and stopped for a picture. 

Ella climbing down from the fire tower. 

The kids loved the hole in this tree trunk.  Ella and Aubrey climbed in together. 
Enjoying our ice-cream at Central Dairy!

The fire tower we climbed. 

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