Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Will You Be My Valentine?

So, I am a little late getting this post up but I wanted to share the valentines that the kids chose and we made this year.  We always have a fun time looking through all the ideas on Pinterest and then creating our choices.  We also had Sam's valentine box to make again this year.  Ella is still making bags in her classroom and can't wait until she gets to make her own box (maybe next year).
It is hard to believe this is Sam's last year making valentines.  It was sad to know this is last time we would be doing this together.  I understand though as we look through the valentines and it is getting more difficult to choose something that fifth grade boys and girls would like.  His are a little obnoxious but he really liked them and I thought the other kids would too.  

Sam's valentine box

Sam's valentines

Ella's valentines

The valentines they chose to give to their teachers.

It was also Sam's last class party.  He and I planned a lot of minute to win it type games again for this party since it was such a big hit at the Halloween party.  This time the majority of our games involved conversation hearts so we could stick with our valentine theme.  I think the kids all had a good time. 

Trying to move candy hearts with pencils as chop sticks. 

Seeing how tall a stack they can make in one minute! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

100th Day!

After a whole week of weather postponement the one hundredth day of school finally arrived!  The 100th day is a big celebration in first grade at Ella's school.  Her teacher had asked if I could come in and help and I was glad to do so! The kids were rotating to different classrooms and doing various activities.  Ella's teacher was in charge of the 100th day snack so that is what I helped with.  The kids were making a snack mix of 100 items by putting them in groups of ten.  It was fun to watch them and food is always a big hit.  
The kids also bring in a collection of 100 things.  Ella decided to bring in 100 rubber bands from her rainbow loom.  She chose some of her favorite colorful rubber bands and was so happy that the other kids liked looking at them. 
Ella and some of her friends making their snacks. 

What Ella chose for her snacks. 

Snow Week!

I forgot that I never posted about our snow week.  Yes, you read that right, a snow week.  Due to ice, snow, below zero wind chills, and more snow the kids missed a whole week of school at the beginning of the month.  They were able to get in some outdoor play although the temperatures didn't let you stay out too long.  Unfortunately, the snow wasn't too good for making a snow man or snowballs but they seemed to enjoy the time spent at home.  They now have school well into June so let's hope that our winter weather is over so they get to enjoy their summer! 
Ella was blocking the sun with her sled and still having to squint.  The sun was really reflecting off the snow!

Playing in the snow!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mizzou Basketball

A lot of our time this last month has been spent cheering on our Tigers.  They haven't had as great of a season as we had hoped but if they finish strong can make the NCAA tournament.  The last two games have been really close and I told Sam that I am surprised that I still have a voice left after Saturday.  
We just have two season tickets.  John usually doesn't like to go to the games at the beginning of the season and with many empty seats (and cheap GA tickets) it is usually the kids and I that go.  John and I take turns once the conference games start and take Sam along with us. Ella is completely content to stay at home.  Sam is just as much into the games as we are if not more.  He can even quote you statistics at the end of the game that totally surprise me.  This last Thursday we went to the MU v Arkansas game.  They are our biggest rival now that we do not play Kansas.  Plus we have the added interest of them being coached by our former coach so we really want to win! I think I yelled more in that game than I have all season.  It was down to the wire but the Tigers pulled out a victory. 
Saturday the people that sit next to us were unable to come so they offered us their two tickets so that all four of us could attend.  It was another close game but we beat Tennessee in the end.  John, Sam and I were all glad to attend and it was nice going as a family.  Ella was a little bored and in fact was lying across the seats in the second half but she was a trouper.  Let's hope we keep winning those close ones and in the season strong! 
Sam at the Arkansas game

Ella, John and Sam getting ready for the Tennessee game

Saying Good-bye


Unfortunately, February did not start off as we had hoped.  On February 1st Grace passed away at the Kansas City Hospice House.  We are happy that she was so well taken care of and we know that she is in a much better place.  We will truly miss her though.  We were not able to attend the visitation because of the terrible weather but thankfully were able to make the funeral.  It was a beautiful service and a great way to honor Grace. 

Ella and I spent the afternoon looking through old photos to find some of Grace.  The one on the top is my favorite with her holding Sam.