Thursday, February 20, 2014

100th Day!

After a whole week of weather postponement the one hundredth day of school finally arrived!  The 100th day is a big celebration in first grade at Ella's school.  Her teacher had asked if I could come in and help and I was glad to do so! The kids were rotating to different classrooms and doing various activities.  Ella's teacher was in charge of the 100th day snack so that is what I helped with.  The kids were making a snack mix of 100 items by putting them in groups of ten.  It was fun to watch them and food is always a big hit.  
The kids also bring in a collection of 100 things.  Ella decided to bring in 100 rubber bands from her rainbow loom.  She chose some of her favorite colorful rubber bands and was so happy that the other kids liked looking at them. 
Ella and some of her friends making their snacks. 

What Ella chose for her snacks. 

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