Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jesus' Love is One of a Kind (VBS)!

We had plans during the week of vacation bible school at The Newman Center but luckily some friends invited us to go to vacation bible school at their church (Community United Methodist).  Their church was so warm and welcoming and the kids both had a great time.  I would drop them off a six each evening where the kids were divided into teams by age group.  They would start the evening by feeding the kids dinner then divide up for the activities. 

Ella participated in the bible school program where the theme was, Weird Animals: Jesus' Love is One of a Kind.  They learned about weird animals that God has made and about God's love for each of us.  It is the same program that our church used to use in Springfield and Sam loved it when he did it.  Ella loved it too.  They would learn a bible story each night, learn about the weird animal of the night and what he had to teach them about God's love, play games, make crafts and learn some great songs.  We purchased the CD so Ella can sing the songs in the car.  It even inspired us to find our old cd's from when Sam was her age and listen to those songs.  

Sam was in the tween group where after dinner they would spend the evening doing some type of mission project.  The first night they made blankets for animals at the local humane society.  The second night they traveled to a local food bank and helped package food for families that are in need.  On Tuesday, they had some local veterans come and talk to them about the Honor Flights.  The kids then wrote thank you notes that would be given to veterans traveling on the next Honor Flight.  On Wednesday (which was our last day) the kids went to a warehouse where they make vehicles that are sent to other countries that help people get around that have been injured by land mines and helped out there.  Sam has such a great heart and really liked being able to spend the week helping others. 

We are so thankful our friends reached out to us and let us participate with them in this great week.  My kids have already said they are wanting to return next summer.  
Ella participating in the games. 

Ella listening with her friend Ava. 

Sam with a blanket for the humane society. 

Sam and friends sorting food at the Central Mo Food Bank. 

Having fun! 

Enjoying dinner! 

Ella with some of her group! 

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