Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Program Time

Can you find Ella the cow?

Today was Ella's Christmas program and party. She had a great time up on stage. She knew all the words to the numerous songs and as the head of the program told me later, "Ella is my best dancer." She was really moving up there on stage.
I was a little worried about the Christmas party because Santa came to the party, and last year she didn't want to go anywhere near him. When were going to visit Santa last night (before we knew the line would be so long) she told me she wanted me to go with her to see Santa and she did not want to sit on Santa's lap. So, I thought we might have a repeat of last year. But, this year when Santa called her name she walked right up to him and posed by him for a picture. She had a great day and is counting down the days until Christmas is here!

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